spam – Pidgin English Definition spam (spam) Definition: Meat substitute that is the staple in local foods such as bento … Continue reading SPAM


solid – Pidgin English Definition solid (sah lid) Definition: very good; excellent; choice Used In A Sentence: Dat girl is … Continue reading SOLID


snap – Pidgin English Definition snap (shnap) Definition: get angry or upset Used In A Sentence: Ho, no need snap … Continue reading SNAP


skosh – Pidgin English Definition skosh (su’ kosh) Definition: just a little bit. derived from the Japanese term with the … Continue reading SKOSH


sistah – Pidgin English Definition sistah (siss tah) Definition: an endearing way to call somebody, especially a female; male equivalent … Continue reading SISTAH


shoyu – Pidgin English Definition shoyu (show you) Definition: Japanese term for soy sauce (salty, brown liquid condiment made by … Continue reading SHOYU


shaka – Pidgin English Definition shaka (shah kah) Definition: the universal hand signal used to express thank you, howzit, hi, … Continue reading SHAKA